Tong-Il zǐ-frame (Boy power) or "Kung-fu of the Child", Yoga is a Buddhist warrior monks of Shaolin. This is an extraordinary discipline, able to provide the most effective means to everyone and the most suitable exercises to maintain flexibility in the body and mind for a lifetime. The Tong-zǐ-gong outside simultaneously strengthens the muscles, tendons, ligaments, the joints and bones, Zang-organs and within fǔ (Organs), energy and blood circulation and nervous system. The Tong-zǐ-gong develops "body intelligence", raising awareness of internal and external harmony and recreating motor, that the harmonious integration of the whole body in action, to express his every gesture as a child, simplicity, effectiveness, ergonomics, distension and grace.
The Tong-gong-zǐ dynamically connects all parts of the body structure, making it strong and elastic; strengthens tendons and ligaments; unlocks the joints and allows the issuance of internal strength without the stiffness of the limbs. It is the essence of all Oriental exercise and is beneficial at all levels. Its regular practice not only makes the body soft and flexible like bamboo, it also increases the life span, because as the wise man says: "The hard and the rugged pass, the soft and flexible, resist ".
Shaolin Tong-zǐ-gong is composed of eighteen styles, who own a martial valor. For if the art is brought to perfection, any gesture can be transformed into a movement of attack and defense.
The Tong-zǐ-gong is presented and illustrated in the stele of Beilin ("Forest of steles") sculptures and room-pu Tang Chui ("Sala del kung-fu")Shaolin Temple. From the literary point of view , Tonga-zǐ-gong was presented in the original Chinese text "Tong-zǐ- -tu” (Shaolin Boy diagram).
Namo Amitabha