In application, (fang-fa) Shaolin kung-fu grip and includes techniques of military call-qin na (bed. "grasp and control") that embody "the best way to oppose the force" based on the Buddhist principle of non-violence (ahimsa). I teach Shaolin Masters: "Since peace and tranquility are to be preferred to victory, (in case of aggression) the choice is very simple to operate: flee at once. Understand the reality of nature and you will see that no human force can hit. Not to oppose the force tackling it groped, avoid. There is no need to stop the force, it is easier to make them change direction. Learn ways to conserve not to destroy those. Avoid rather than blocking, blocks rather than hurting, hurt rather than maim, cripple rather than kill, because every life is precious and a life lost is lost forever. "
Lo Shaolin Shaolin Qin-na comprende catch:
  • – techniques for making
  • -pressure techniques
  • -percussion techniques.
The 360 Shaolin qin-na techniques are divided into the following categories:
  1. science-jin:disjunction of the muscles and tendons,
  2. cuo-gu: dislocation of the bones,
  3. bi-qi: suffocation,
  4. duan-mai: ostruizione circulatory,
  5. dian-xue: pressure of the meridians.
The capture techniques, prey and leads (Take bone Ná-gǔ), immobilize the opponent blocking and controlling muscles, tendons (Take tendons Ná-jīn) and joints, dislocations resulting in dislocation of joints or bones (Wrong bone Cuò-gǔ). The techniques are applied pressure on the respiratory tract or the nerve endings, to cause pain, suffocation (Breath bí-xī), ostruizione circulatory (Off pulse Duàn-mài), temporary paralysis and unconsciousness, or pressure points on energy (Acupuncture Diǎn-xuè) to alter the circulation of Qi in the internal organs.
The Qin-na requires the development of the intention (yi), dell'energia internal (Qi), martial power (jin) and a detailed knowledge of the techniques of hand, choosing the right moment to strike, and depth to reach. Many qin-na techniques handed down by the Masters of the Temple also concern the use of weapons. Some weapons, such as swords hooked "gou", or the grip of "chai" and some halberds Shaolin, were designed in order to disarm the opponent, capturing his weapon. And 'need to learn all this directly from a qualified Master of the Temple, not only because of the breadth of knowledge that the subject requires, but also because most of the techniques can easily result in death. In due course the Master entrusts his student tutor at the Monastery of the most competent teacher to learn this difficult arte.Il Master, however, gives these dangerous teachings and trusted only to students of impeccable morality, otherwise keep them secret.
Namo Amitabha