The Shaolin Temple is located in the district Deng-Feng, 70 kilometers south-west from the city of Zhengzhou, capital of Henan Province, about 600 Km. south of Beijing. This holy place, located between four mountain ranges that extend to the four cardinal points, is considered the most sacred of all China. At the heart of the mountain range, is the Song-shan "The mountain of the Centre", for Chinese, the center of the world. It is here, at the foot of the western side of the Emperor Hsiao-Wen built in the year 495 The Shaolin Temple , in honor of the Indian monaco, Ba-your. In principle, the abbot of Shaolin Batuo (Buddhabhadra) devoted himself to the translation of Buddhist scriptures and the preaching facing hundreds of his followers. Then came the temple of Shaolin Bodhidharma another Indian monaco, who says he crossed the Yangtze River on a reed. He spent nine years in meditation in the cave of the peak Wuru and began the Chinese tradition of Chan in the Temple of Shaolin. After, Bodhidharma was honored as the first patriarch of Chan Buddhism. Since even the Chinese Kung Fu originated in the Shaolin Temple, The temple was recognized as the origin of Chan Buddhism and the birthplace of Kung Fu.
SHAOLIN Shaolin-SI – Architecture
Namo Amitabha