Shifu 35° Generation Shaolin, Director Technical Education Centre culurale Shaolin Milan
ShiHengChan was born in Bergamo 6 September 1966. Start the practice of martial arts in 6 age.
He graduated as Agricultural Expert c / o Agricultural Technical Institute of San Martino in Strada (Lodi), It plays the Civil Service to the P.I.M.E Monastery Lecco, Elderly and Disabled Sector. From 1989 al 2000 He has regularly traveled in the East for a long period of training, studying English, languages, classical literature and Oriental music, Yoga and Martial Arts.
In 2001 It was officially accepted as a student of Grand Master Shi-De-Cheng, monaco Shaolin of the 31th generation, from which he received the Honorary Invitation to the Shaolin Temple in China, for private education.
In 2002 si allena con il monaco Shi-Xing-Xing e Shi-De-Hui, abbot of the international exhibition group and becomes part of PWKA, "Professional Wushu Kung-fu Association", where it became Federal Technical Framework of Shaolin industry. Following the Lombardy region appointed him defense Official Teacher pesonale for the Corps of Calusco d`Adda Traffic Police and Carabinieri of Bergamo responsible for stadium security. Under the leadership of monaco Shaolin Shi-Xing-Hong, constituted the " National Team Exhibition Shaolin ” (“ Shaolin Team Italy ”), that in the role of Technical Director he led throughout l`estate with his Chinese masters Shi-De-Cheng Shi-Xing-Song (Huang-Shao-Song), in displays of martial arts and yoga, sponsored by the City of Milan and from various cultural associations and public and private sports, in television programs (such Ascoli Piceno, Live took place in front of fifteen thousand people and live in Rai Uno) and major sports facilities (Trade Fair, Filaforum to Assago) and theaters all over Italy (Milan, Monza, Brescia, Bergamo, Verona, Modena, Venice, Vicenza).
In 2004 It follows the titles " Third Degree Master Shaolin "And" Master of Taiji-Quan Yang Style Third Degree "Recognized by those responsible for International Martial Arts Federation Dr.. Che Cheng Chiang, and Dr.. Shin Hsiung Chen, for his particular skills in the use of difficult Chinese jointed arms.
Since February 2005, He collaborates with a Therapeutic Institute of Medicine International postural, teaching the principles of Taiji and Qigong Shaolin before doctors and therapists Institute, during the national refresher courses, then with patients with severe mental and physical illnesses and less severe.
The 25 September 2005, He has made an important speech at the conference " Practice and culture of the Chinese Martial Arts "Sponsored by the Sports Sector of the Municipality of Milan, Consulate General of the RP. of China in London, dall'Endas and Lombardy, the presence of eminent Chinese and Italian masters, and the Chinese Consul. At the same events led the team in a show on the exhibition Shaolin Shaolin culture, supervised by an important director. The event has had a significant impact, reported in the media, and the province of Milan.
In 2007 he graduated as a "Social Education in Martial Arts, Combat Sports, Eastern disciplines "of the Lombardy Region according to the Standard International Educational Jitakyoei and Quality Certification and Ethics UNI-EN-ISO 9001
In 2009 : WTKA was appointed Technical Manager for the Sectors Taijquan, Shaolin e Yoga
In 2010 : It is accepted as a disciple by Venerable 釋 延 達 Shì-yan-Dá (少林寺 监 院 Supervisor of the Shaolin Temple, 少林寺武僧僧团长 Responsabile del Team di Esibizione Marziale dei Monaci Shàolín, 观音寺住持 Abate del Tempio Guānyīn) e collabora attivamente con il Monaco Shaolin ShiYanHui, rappresentante ufficiale dello Shaolin in Italia per conto del Venerabile XXX Abate del Tempio Shaolin , ShiYongXin, for the dissemination of authentic Traditional Culture and Arts of Shaolin Monks. He also appointed National Technical Director of the Shaolin CSEN (National Sports Center Educational).
the S.I.A.F operator Supervisor Holistic. ( Italian Society Harmonizers Family) and Author of The Literature in Italian language – with translation from the original texts – of history, philosophy, spirituality, psychology, technical indoor / outdoor and cultural back-ground of the legendary warrior monks of Shaolin Temple. Among his works already published at national level: “SHÀOLÍN: mystery and magic of warrior monks "and"-ZI-GONG TONG: Yoga of the Buddhist Shaolin Monks”(Xenia), “SHÀOLÍN- Theory and Practice of the ancient Eastern healing arts "and “SHÀOLÍN Rou-Quan” (If).
It diffuses the traditional Shaolin culture also through the free web encyclopedia Wikipedia and social networks Facebook, Twitter, AliveNotDead
Namo Amitabha