Stefania ConversiConsulente, Formatrice, Coach,Counselor, Facilitatore in Costellazioni Familiari
expert consultant in the development paths of people from 1997 She works as a freelance, after fifteen years of experience in various companies, Italian and multinational, where he worked as Head of Selection, Training, Development and Country HR manager.
Degree in Philosophy with address and thesis in psychology at the University of Milan, He has deepened his education by attending courses and seminars in Italy and in other European countries, relevant areas: Communication, Organization, Team building, Teamwork, Personnel Management, Selection, Orientation and Skills Assessment, PNL Coaching, Counseling, Family constellations.
designs, He coordinates and conducts training courses, mainly in the areas of the managerial and relational aspects (interpersonal communication, sviluppo e gestione della leadership, team building, tecniche di presentazione in pubblico, conduzione di riunioni, team working, valutazione e sviluppo del potenziale, metodologie per sviluppare la motivazione).
Fornisce supporto consulenziale al management su tematiche di riassetto organizzativo e di gestione del personale.
Ampio spazio hanno assunto poi in questi anni le attività di Coaching (Certificata I.S.I.S.) e Counseling (Counselor iscritta all’albo italo svizzero AISCON e iscritta come Professional Counselor ad AssoCounseling) rivolte a privati e aziende.
Si dedica permanentemente ad attività di ricerca e approfondimento delle tematiche di miglioramento personale e conduce laboratori e sessioni esperienziali dedicate al potenziamento delle risorse personali.
E’ Socio fondatore e Presidente di A.P.E., Accademia Percorsi Evolutivi, cultural association that promotes initiatives in the provision of methodologies, technical, information and training aimed at the well-being and the harmonious development of the Person.
From 2011 collabora con Shifu ShiHengChan e ShiHengDing, Responsible for SHAOLIN CULTURAL CENTER OF MILAN – SHAOLIN QUAN FA MILAN – Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Traditional Culture Shaolin, Format proposing experiential coniuganti the Shaolin arts and tools of Coaching.
Namo Amitabha