CoA Città di Milano

Milan (IPA: /mi’lano/, Milàn in Milanese dialect) is an Italian town of 1.324.110 people, capital of the province and the region Lombardia. It is the second Italian city by population, after Rome, and is the center of the largest metropolitan area in Italy and one of the most populous of Europe. Founded by the early sixth century BC Insubres, was conquered by the Romans in 223 aC. and was called Mediolanum; gradually increased its importance until it became one of the imperial headquarters of the Roman Empire. During its history takes on a variety of roles, including capital, and the main political and cultural center, the Duchy of Milan during the Renaissance and the capital of the Kingdom of Italy during the Napoleonic period. In the cultural field, Milan is the highest since the nineteenth century Italian center in publishing, library that is linked to information, and is at the top of the world music circuit due to scale and its long tradition of opera. Became “Italian economic capital” during the industrial revolution that involved Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century, constituting the Turin and Genoa “Industrial triangle”. From this period onwards, and especially since the war, underwent a strong process of urbanization related industrial expansion which also included the neighboring cities, and was the main goal during the internal migration. In the last century has stabilized its role as economic and productive, becoming the major Italian financial market, and is one of the world's fashion capitals (together in Paris, London and New York) and industrial design. At the gates of Milan, Rho, the seat of the Milan Fair, the largest trade fair in Europe.
(Of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Now MILAN, with EXPO 2015, aims for growth of the country as Ambassador of Italy in the world through its numerous “excellence”: SCIENCE FOR HEALTH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING, FOOD AND THE QUALITY OF LIFE, SOLIDARITY AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION .
(from site EXPO2015)

Namo Amitabha