The project “Psicofitness” was established by the Perna Dott.Gianpaolo (psychiatrist) and aims to bring science within the field of psychological well-being. The time is surely ripe: many of us in one way or another engage in welfare practices: yoga meditation, exercise the care supply, the search for groups that are in harmony with us to manage our emotions. Despite the extraordinary spread of these practices and the exponential growth of the wellness, As well described by the economist Paul Zane Pilner it “The Wellness Revolution”, the medical and scientific targets scetticiscmo attributing to them with their effects, or the simple suggestion that would lead to the simple relaxation, neglecting what neuroscience are clearly demonstrated in recent years. Many practices aimed to change the well functioning of our brain, proteggendolo, disintissicandolo and even stimulating growth. Unfortunately, to date, the practices of well-being, because of the lack of the scientific, are mainly based on common sense and experience but lack a basic scientific validity and, seen that profoundly affect quality of life for everyone, it's time to create this basis, able to help us to discriminate between truly effective practices from those who are not. For this was born Psicofitness, as a project capable of giving a scientific foundation to what the practice shows us, that we can feel good and the psychological well-being to create the platform essential for the long journey to a happy life.
The book “Psicofitness. A new science for the wellbeing of the mind” represents the first stage of this project.
Among the main areas of commitment of the team psicofitness, are of particular importance :
the area of prevention and wellness aimed at schools and
wellness area in the world facing corporate managers who have particular difficulties in the management of stress and psychological well-being of its.
Some guiding principles of this project:
The importance of respecting the Human Person
The centrality of the Scientific Method and Thought as essential guides.
The need to think about the person as a complex subject which is the result of his genetic, life experiences and the relational context in which they live.
The awareness of the profound ignorance about the mechanisms of our mind and our brain and the long road that research and reflection will follow human.
The importance of the team in knowledge management and mental health.
The central role of an open and transparent discussion as a starting point for individual and social growth
“MILAN meets SHAOLIN” through the Cultural Center of Milan SHAOLIN TEMPLE Shaolin ITALY presents and participates in the project at the kind invitation of PSICOFITNESS Dr. Marinella Boscolo (Sports Science – Counselor) of’Area Prevention and Wellness FIDANS: purpose of the collaboration is helping to confirm the scientific validity of the Shaolin disciplines inside and outside as an effective way of improving cognitive-behavioral boys.
The collaboration was officially presented during the 1 st Edition of the Event and, precisely, during Press Conference at Palazzo Marino on 4 November 2010 and it SHAOLIN TRIBUTE c / o Room Appiani ( Arena Civica in Milan) the 5 November 2010 the presence of Venerable Shi-Yan-Da, Monks of the International Exhibition Team, personalities from the world of politics, education, culture, Italians show.
In addition, the meetings within the first educational project was held on PSICOFITNESS 4 Nov. c / o St. Catherine of Siena Institute ( Milan) the presence of Venerable Shi-Yan-Da, Monks of the International Exhibition team .
Namo Amitabha