Palace of Supreme Harmony – Start the fifteenth century
Construction described in the rich Million by Marco Polo, come by land through China in 1275, Guest Kubilay Khan Mongolian Emperor in Beijing, direct grandson of Genghis Khan, there remains almost nothing, because when the Ming emperor in 1368 He chased the Mongols reconstructs the entire Beijing. Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) are many fanciful buildings of which the supreme example is located in central Beijing: is the Imperial Palace, also known as the Palace of Supreme Harmony Forbidden City and. Seat of government of the empire, residence of the emperors and their courts, artistic and religious center was also prominent with its temples, its gardens, its Academies of Fine Arts and its collections. This is the largest palace in the world. Its rectangular plan measuring 1000×786 m; is surrounded by high walls and a moat and eight hundred in it rise buildings. It owes its name to the fact that only members of the royal family could enter. Preserving its character delXV century, was rebuilt in 1669 and restored several times. Built over a three balustrade terrace dotted with white marble facade and reveals its pillars of his eleven wide 64 m. Per dare un’idea della grandezza basti pensare che la sala delle udienze è di 2400 m.
Temple of Heaven, early fifteenth century.- Beijing

Very significant is also the Temple of Heaven, also in Beijing. It 'a complex of buildings sensitive to the sacrifices of animals, the ritual prayers for good harvests, to fasting. It 'was rebuilt in 1889, after that lightning had destroyed. Still, however, retains its original features of Ming. The wooden structure is circular with a triple conical roof. The decoration is painted in the style of Hexi, riservato agli edifici di alto rango. Sono visibili le quattro colonne principali, old m. 19,2, Once that support the highest and glimpsed at those who support the lower roofs.
Namo Amitabha