THOUGHT OF THE DAY: "The Lord Buddha dwells within us, and we are a part of him. We can hear this with the practice of meditation, with the achievement of inner peace. The "empty" (of emotional material) we will and will reveal the "full" sense of being. "
h.16.30-18 c/o CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE / UNIVERSITY’ CATTOLICA S.CUORE DI MILANO – PRESENTAZIONE CULTURA SHAOLIN in UNIVERSITA’ con Monaco Shaolin ShiYanhui, unico rappresentante ufficiale del Tempio Shaolin per l’Italia
h.19-22 c/o SHAOLIN TEMPLE ITALY (Shaolin Cultural Center of Milan): classi di Shaolin Kung-Fu e Qin-Na/Self-Defence supervisionate dal Monaco Shaolin ShiYanHui